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I work with parks nonprofits, public park agencies, and consulting organizations (both nonprofit and for-profit) on a variety of issues and projects. Since December 2019, I've provided assistance to the following organizations:


  • Austin Parks Foundation (pro-bono)

  • Austin Parks & Recreation, City of Austin

  • Atlanta Parks & Recreation Department

  • Bloomberg Associates (New York City)

  • Boston Park Advocates (pro-bono, serve on steering committee)

  • Brooklyn Botanic Garden (New York City)

  • Capital Riverfront BID/Parks Foundation (Washington, DC)

  • Centennial Park Conservancy (Nashville)

  • Central Park Conservancy - Institute for Urban Parks

  • City of Detroit General Services Division (Donor Recognition Project, Joe Louis Greenway Project)

  • City Parks Foundation/NYC Green Fund

  • City of Stamford, CT

  • Civic Center Park Conservancy (Denver)

  • Dallas Parks & Recreation

  • Denver Park Trust

  • Design Workshop

  • Downtown Detroit Partnership

  • Downtown Providence Parks Network

  • Emerald Necklace Conservancy (Boston, pro-bono)

  • Forest Park Conservancy (Portland OR)

  • Forever Balboa Park (San Diego)

  • Friends of the Fells (Boston area, nonprofit partner to DCR, pro-bono, regular volunteer, board member)

  • Garden Collaborators (Seattle)

  • Gathering Place / Guthrie Green (Tulsa)

  • Lord Cultural Resources (New York City)

  • Mill River Park Collaborative (Stamford, CT)

  • Moncus Park Conservancy (Lafayette, LA)

  • Morningside Park (Manhattan)

  • Mystic River Watershed Association (Boston area, pro-bono, regular volunteer)

  • Newark City Parks Foundation

  • Park Pride (Atlanta)

  • Private Development Parks/Open Space Plan (Sunnyvale CA)

  • Prospect Park Alliance (Brooklyn)

  • Queens Botanical Garden (Queens)

  • Rose Kennedy Greenway Conservancy (Boston, regular volunteer)

  • Salt Lake City Public Lands Department

  • SPUR (San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association)

  • The Trail Conservancy (nee Foundation, Austin)

  • Trust for Public Land (multiple projects)

  • Urban Land Institute (pro-bono, multiple projects)


Current & Recent Work


Bloomberg Associates - Research, support, and guidance for Newark City Parks Foundation and City of Tampa Parks and Recreation.


Trust for Public Land - Research, analysis and reporting for the 10-minute walk campaign.


Emerald Necklace Conservancy - Research, analysis and recommendations for specific projects, including CharlesGate and White Stadium in Boston.


Lord Cultural Resources - Research and analysis for Brooklyn Botanical Garden strategic plan.


SPUR (San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association) - Assisted in the development of a next-generation agreement between the City of San Jose Parks, Recreation & Neighborhood Services Department (PRNS) and the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy (GRPC). 


Institute for Urban Parks, Central Park Conservancy  - Worked with Institute for Urban Parks staff and with grantees of the National Partnerships Lab and related programs, researching best practices and challenges, and providing recommendations based on unique needs. In 2023, these included Partnerships for Parks, Socrates Sculpture Park and Southern Queens Park Association, all three located in New York City. In addition, Capital Riverfront BID (Washington DC), Emancipation Park Conservancy (Houston), Mill River Collaborative (Stamford CT) and Moncus Park (Lafayette LA) round out our national partners.


Joe Louis Greenway Project - Sub-consultant to Bloomberg Associates/NACTO. Assist with research, analysis and recommendations for development of a public/nonprofit partnership for the under construction Joe Louis Greenway, a 27.5-mile rails to trails conversion project in Detroit. (May 2021-May 2022)


Atlanta Parks & Recreation, Atlanta, GA: Atlanta Department of Parks & Recreation Assessment - Presentation (From Good to Great, going Beyond ParkScore) and report published June 2022 through Park Pride, The Trust for Public Land and the Arthur M Blank Family Foundation. Press link


Technology / Housing Collaboration. I've worked with several for-profit companies in the Bay Area of California, assisting with parks and open space planning, regulations and entitlements as part of a larger redevelopment project in the city of Sunnyvale, CA. (September 2020-October 2022)


POSP/NYC Green Funders: NYC Green Fund Literature Review of Current Urban Park trends, challenges and opportunities, October, 2020. (researcher and writer working for the Central Park Conservancy - Institute for Urban Parks.) 


Balboa Park Conservancy, San Diego, CA: Partnerships Lab Recommendations for the Balboa Park Conservancy - September, 2020. (researcher and writer working for the Central Park Conservancy - Institute for Urban Parks.)


Forest Park Conservancy, Portland, OR: Partnerships Lab Recommendations for the Forest Park Conservancy - April 2020 (researcher and writer working for the Central Park Conservancy - Institute for Urban Parks.)


Detroit Park Planning Unit, City of Detroit General Services Division, Detroit, MI: Partnerships Lab Recommendations for the Public Space Planning Unit - July 2020 (researcher and writer working for the Central Park Conservancy - Institute for Urban Parks.)


Our Parks, Our Future: Austin Parks and Recreation Long Range Plan. Subconsultant at the Trust for Public Land)  We provided portions of Chapter 3, namely “How do we compare?” as well as input and data in Chapter 4, Our Future. November 2019 (City of Austin, Wallace, Todd & Roberts, et al)


Dallas Parks & Recreation, Dallas TX: White Paper on Funding Advocacy - June 2019 (Advocacy researcher and primary writer)


Natural Areas Conservancy, New York, NY. Report: Untapped Common Ground: The Care of Forested Natural Areas in American Cities (co-author) 


Rebuild by Design, The Trust for Public Land and James Lima Planning+Development: New York, NY. Report: Building Bridges: A Community-Based Stewardship Study for an Equitable East River Park. (contributor)


Trust for Public Land: Center for City Park Excellence, Boston, MA

Managed the research and publishing of annual report (City Park and ParkScore, the annual ranking of public park systems ( in the 100 largest US Cities, as well as special reports and research for TPL staff and client organizations. (In prior years I worked on both reports: 2017, 2018, 2019)


Article: ParksBudget Cuts as Covid-19 Deepens (Summer 2020)  


New Yorkers for Parks, New York, NY

Assisted in research and reviews of the 2016 Report Card on Parks: 


​Developed physical activity park survey for six parks in the Bronx, using the SOPARC method developed by the RAND Corporation and trained three interns on the methods, working in the parks. Analyzed and reported on data for Bronx Community Health Network client. Final Report: Measuring Neighborhood Park Use


Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY

Thesis for Masters of Science in Urban Placemaking & Management: Assessing Park Conservancy Volunteer Programs: Best Practices 2017. (research, analysis and author.)


My Resume (December 2023)

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